Popular Police Codes

Code Description
10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian / Suicide
Code 77 Possible ambush - use caution
10-43 Information
GOA Gone on arrival
11-44 Possible fatality / coroner required
10-96 Mental patient / Detain suspect
10-48 Traffic control
999 Urgent help needed / Officer down
10-80 Pursuit in progress
10-107 Suspicious person
10-99 Cardiac arrest / Officer held hostage
10-78 Need assistance / Send ambulance
10-79 Notify coroner / Bomb threat
1000 Plane crash
10-35 Confidential information or open window
Code 40 Serious case (IV started)
10-85 Arrival delay due to [cause]
10-53 Road blocked / Man down
5150 Mentally disturbed person
25 Call dispatcher
RP Reporting party
10-95 Officer's residence
10-108 Officer down / Officer in danger
10-59 Escort or convoy / Security check
11-15 Ball game in street
10-38 Traffic stop
BOL Be on the lookout
10-33 Emergency, all units stand by
10-200 Narcotics, drugs involved
10-66 Check officer's well-being